Tinfoil has a Medium publication!


We just started a small Medium publication for highlighting strong digital security resources for journalists and media activists! Right now it's small, but check it out:

The idea is that we can use this as a reliable place to get high-quality information for those who are interested in these issues. Medium is also especially helpful for this community; we all know that security resources get out-of-date quickly, and Medium lets you update the resources you develop whenever you want.

If you're interested in getting involved or have an idea for an article on this theme, send it to tinfoilhelp@gmail.com. Likewise, if you have an old article you've already written that you think would be helpful for this audience and you can share it on Medium, send a link. The PGP key is here: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x0BD834C22FBCB19F

Update (4/19/17): Unfortunately we'll be shutting down the Tinfoil.press publication. In this early phase of the publication, we made calls for articles here and Twitter, but there was less interest than anticipated over the first three months of the publication's existence. For that reason, we'll shut it down for the moment. Perhaps it will be open again down the road.

It's always useful to get feedback on how we can make Tinfoil most useful to everyone here! Keep us in the loop about your ideas. Even if not every experiment succeeds, we're definitely willing to try new things to support this community.


Awesome idea!