Technical Talk
About the Technical Talk category
Secure Hosted File Sharing
Cryptomator - safe and secure to use?
Google Security Discovers SHA1 Collision
Stanford Liberationtech List Reminder
Apple quietly syncing call and iMessage logs to iCloud
In case of DDoS: accessing sites through IP / decentralized networks?
Phoenix OS - full android system for PC safe?
How to detect physical access on your Mac OS X system with system logs
"Introducing GPG Sync, an Open Source Tool for Organizations That Encrypt Email"
Thoughts or concerns on the Chrome Web Store and getting apps like Signal from it
Best Practice for GPG Keys on Biz Cards
Epic VPN Fails (Security v. Usability issue...again)
Yubikey Code Debate
Why government key escrow is a bad idea
An argument that centralized systems will be more secure
Developers Shouldn't Be Responsible For Security
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